Prices for past editions of WRTH and the Bargraph CD are shown in our shop. Postage costs for WRTH and the CDs are based on the destination, with different prices for delivery to the UK, Europe, and other Worldwide destinations. Please see the postage calculator on our web shop for postal rates. The prices for CDs and downloads include VAT at 20% for customers ordering from the United Kingdom.
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Fastest Method
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N.B. We are closed at weekends, for the holiday period 22 December – 5 January, and on other UK holidays.
Other Methods
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Delivery Times
All our books and cds are despatched by Royal Mail unless you choose courier delivery for books. Average postal delivery times are:
Europe 3-10 days
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but can take longer.
Please note that in the two to three weeks after publication, in December each year, delivery times may be longer because of the large number of orders we have to process and the mail backlog caused by the holiday season.